Planning permission for 20m mobile phone mast on Weoley Hill

We have received notification from the City Council that they have received a planning request for a 5G mobile phone mast which is being requested to be positioned in the central reservation outside the Village Hall.

We are, as you might well imagine, quite shocked by this as we believe that this will be completely out of place in the area. The proposed mast will tower above the existing tree line and has the possibility of disturbing the new trees that have been planted to replace the recently lost trees.

Within the application they list other sites, one or two of which we believe would receive less objections, that they have considered, but this is their preferred location.

We have already tried to contact our local councillors for their help and to find their position on the proposal, but a week later, we have not had any reply. It seems suspicious that the application was made when a General Election was called and the public representatives might be otherwise occupied.

How to comment or object to the proposal

If you would like to see the application in full and make an objection. The deadline for comments is the 27th of June. Please use the following link

The application number is 2024/03273/PA in case you want to contact your local councillors about it. These are:

WhatsApp Group for updates

If you would like to join the Village Hall Notification WhatsApp group for updates on this and other topics please use this link: or scan this QR Code

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